Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Its the end of the year!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009
How did this happen
It seems I blinked and skipped right by Halloween and the month of November and the beginning of December. Anyone know how that happened. I recall going to 2 workshops, turning 45, missing my son (he moved to another province) going to 2 quild Christmas parties( at each one I got fabric organizers) I think someone is trying to tell me to clean up. Loosing 3 blocks for a block exchange and remaking one of them I found the other two.
Today our nephew's girlfriend went into labor and we are supposed to be having a birthday dinner here. I think half of the quests will be at the hospital waiting.
Today our nephew's girlfriend went into labor and we are supposed to be having a birthday dinner here. I think half of the quests will be at the hospital waiting.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
This is neat.... and how true
Ode to My Wife the Quilter
- Author Unknown
- Author Unknown
She learned to Quilt on Monday,
Her stitches all were very fine.
She forgot to thaw out dinner,
So we went out to dine.
Her stitches all were very fine.
She forgot to thaw out dinner,
So we went out to dine.
She quilted miniatures on Tuesday.
She says they are a must.
They were quite lovely,
But she forgot to dust.
She says they are a must.
They were quite lovely,
But she forgot to dust.
On Wednesday it was a sampler.
She says stippling's fun.
What highlights! What shadows!
But the laundry wasn't done.
She says stippling's fun.
What highlights! What shadows!
But the laundry wasn't done.
Her patches were on Thursday -
Green, yellow, blue and red.
I guess she was really engrossed;
She never made the bed.
Green, yellow, blue and red.
I guess she was really engrossed;
She never made the bed.
It was wall hangings on Friday,
In colors she adores.
It never bothered her at all,
The crumbs on the floors.
In colors she adores.
It never bothered her at all,
The crumbs on the floors.
I found a maid on Saturday.
My week is now complete.
My wife can quilt the hours away;
The house will still be neat.
Well, It's already Sunday.My week is now complete.
My wife can quilt the hours away;
The house will still be neat.
I think I'm about to wilt.
I cursed, I raved, I ranted;
The maid has learned to QUILT !
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Halloween costumes
Basically around this time of year my sister has this fantastic idea that I want to make her and her kids halloween outfits. eh not really but I will do it.
I am making a corset for my sister. she wants to be a sexy witch lol. Okay wear a corset for a full evening see how you like it ( I am putting boning in). The girls out fit is a fit of 8 yards of that cheap pink satin to make a very girly princess's dresses....far cry from the dead brides all the girls were last year.
I have been making halloween outfits and there makeup for my family for decades....Dragons & Demons, Baby Dolls and Ninja Turtles. Lady bugs and fairies The most fun I had was the Demon. I had rented it out a few times after my son used it. Each time it one a prize. I had built this head with spray foam and paper mache and hooked up red light where the eyeballs where supposed to be attached the battery pack. Voila creepy glowing eyes. Unfortunately that is one costume that I don't seem to have a picture of.
Yesterday found me hunting down sites with spooky stuff with instructions. Go here if you want to see some really fantastic props. If you have any any homemade Halloween props, outfits or quilts that you want to share with me and others. Leave me a comment maybe I can get a list started...
Friday, October 23, 2009
I remember!!!
I Remember !!! Tonight I have to get my crap together for a workshop. As for the buns well I just have to make a trip to the bakery again. I still haven't decided on what I am going to work on. I have so many WIPs and UFO's its kinda hard to decide.
I could work on my many leaders and enders that I have maybe make something out them ...like work on my Orange Crush. I think though I desperately need to be able to do something that I can finish in one day.
I have been good for not starting to many new projects (yeah right) and I am sick of squaring up half square triangles for my Old Tobacco Road.
Worse comes to worse I could also cut out that evil pink satin for the Halloween costume that my niece weedled me into making. I hate cutting satin and I hate sewing it . darn stuff slides all over the place.
Anyone else have that as a pet peeve?
Hugs everyone
I could work on my many leaders and enders that I have maybe make something out them ...like work on my Orange Crush. I think though I desperately need to be able to do something that I can finish in one day.
I have been good for not starting to many new projects (yeah right) and I am sick of squaring up half square triangles for my Old Tobacco Road.
Worse comes to worse I could also cut out that evil pink satin for the Halloween costume that my niece weedled me into making. I hate cutting satin and I hate sewing it . darn stuff slides all over the place.
Anyone else have that as a pet peeve?
Hugs everyone
ps. isn't he the kewlest Alien.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
This past week
Well I posted that I was going to a workshop for last Saturday, guess what! I was to bring 3 dozen buns for the workshop on Saturday so off I went to the Bakery (Just so you know Upper Crust Bakery in Selkirk is the BEST) to get them . I drove off to the Church hall so that well I could park close to the doors. I got there with a half hour to spare so I drank my Timmies ate my yogurt and berries and waited for the arrival of the gals...I waited and waited .... and waited. 9:15 saw me driving back home to check my email in case that it was on Sunday. ...NOPE.
So there I sat at home having more coffee and deciding what I was going to do with 3 dozen buns. I went there a week early.
I hope I will remember that this Saturday is the workshop. With my memory shot I think I will need a reminder because I have been doing a lot of dough head things and forgetting a lot.
A Big Huge THANK YOU goes out to Lori from Dakota City Quilter for these wonderful goodies. I LOVE Halloween
So there I sat at home having more coffee and deciding what I was going to do with 3 dozen buns. I went there a week early.
I hope I will remember that this Saturday is the workshop. With my memory shot I think I will need a reminder because I have been doing a lot of dough head things and forgetting a lot.
A Big Huge THANK YOU goes out to Lori from Dakota City Quilter for these wonderful goodies. I LOVE Halloween
There is a giveaway happening in blogland
Pumpkin Patch Primitives Quilt Shoppe is having a give away. This is what she wrote in her blog.
"A Fat Quarter Bundle of Red Rooster's Pumpkins & Spice Fabrics by Whimsicals. Hello! Yes, that's 27 fat quarters."
Isn't that one of the best prizes! You have to go here to enter in this fun Halloween giveaway
"A Fat Quarter Bundle of Red Rooster's Pumpkins & Spice Fabrics by Whimsicals. Hello! Yes, that's 27 fat quarters."
Isn't that one of the best prizes! You have to go here to enter in this fun Halloween giveaway
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
A new week
Quilt guild meeting tonight. I am going on a 1 day sew along with these ladies this weekend. I have to decide what I am going to do. I have a number of Bonnie quilts that have been languishing in there bins ....I have to quilt up 3 baby quilts.... I have tons of cutting for my Shakespeare in the Park. I have my boo itty bitty quilt to do. I have about 80 pinwheels to do for OTR. I just have to too many choices. I am off for more coffee. I need a Timmies fix. Lets see what I come up with a little later today
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Pay it Forward!!!

So who wants to be in on the fun? I am committed to creating, making, sending 0ne gift for Three People this year. All you have to do is commit to making three gifts for 3 people in the next year once you have joined me . I already have one taker She is one talented quilter. She does applique, paper piecing and regular piecing. As soon as her blog is set up and running I hope she puts photos up of all the quilts that she has shown me.
So Think about it let me know and I will get back to you!!!
On another note I woke up to this today... sigh.... Yup that's snow...
Hugs everyone.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
More pictures of the Show
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Quilty hugs for everyone
When we stood still the towers fell. Where were you when we all stood still. For some, time stood still and never went forward for them. We stood still and watched in horror, terror and in shame. We stood still and waited for word from friends, lovers, family. For some it never came and the tears for their losses have not stopped.
I do not understand why, Tell me why. For the first time in my life I felt utterly afraid. Of what would follow the attacks of the Towers. Of what they would do in response to these attacks. Of what might be the world my children would live in.
Hell what type of world do we live in? When Mothers kill their own babies, Fathers rape and abuse their daughters and hold them in captivity for their own sick needs. When Sons learn that abusing others is the norm and no longer the exception. When Daughters believe that sex is love and have children of their own before they are in high school.
I burrow into my quilt and wrap those I love in the quilts I have made for them. The quilters that I have met and the ones whose blogs I follow , I don’t see that ugly world in their lives. It touches our quilty world but we seem to rally round and still wrap each other in warmth , kindness, friendship and family. If only we could wrap every one in quilt.
I do not understand why, Tell me why. For the first time in my life I felt utterly afraid. Of what would follow the attacks of the Towers. Of what they would do in response to these attacks. Of what might be the world my children would live in.
Hell what type of world do we live in? When Mothers kill their own babies, Fathers rape and abuse their daughters and hold them in captivity for their own sick needs. When Sons learn that abusing others is the norm and no longer the exception. When Daughters believe that sex is love and have children of their own before they are in high school.
I burrow into my quilt and wrap those I love in the quilts I have made for them. The quilters that I have met and the ones whose blogs I follow , I don’t see that ugly world in their lives. It touches our quilty world but we seem to rally round and still wrap each other in warmth , kindness, friendship and family. If only we could wrap every one in quilt.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Coming out of hiding
The worst thing about depression is that you just curl up into a ball and have the biggest pity party on the planet. I have lost contact with scores of people because I couldn't handle it. I screened phone calls, quit seeing some family members barely went online. Chocolate and the tv were my best friends. Counselling was something I hated doing . If your honest with yourself it hurts and makes you come out of that little cacoon that you have been hiding in. Lets say I wasn't coming out to put my feelings outside where they could be seen. Very few people and I am talking about 3 people I let into my house for about 3 months. This is another step. Getting back online.
I am hoping some people forgive me and if they don't I cannot worry about them. I have enough of the garbage still floating around in my day to day life, that oh well that I really didn't need them in my life in the first place.
I still battle with going to work every day.
Lets see if I can get back into the swing of things in my quilting world.
I am hoping some people forgive me and if they don't I cannot worry about them. I have enough of the garbage still floating around in my day to day life, that oh well that I really didn't need them in my life in the first place.
I still battle with going to work every day.
Lets see if I can get back into the swing of things in my quilting world.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
packing and moving
Stay tuned Pictures of the crazed packing and moving coming soon to a blog near you. Moving day in 3 days. Will be offline for the next week or so until everything is settled. Have fun folks and keep sewing. Next question do I buy a sewing table or a sofa ??? drop me a line and let me know what you think. lol
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Giveaway closing time
I will be closing the entries at 12:00 pm Central Standard time. I will hopefully have all the entries cut up and in a large pail to make the draw and have it posted by 8:00 pm.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Quilty news sorta
I have been a bad girl. I went shopping. Again. I ordered a quilt block of the month from SewSisters in Ontario. I think I fried my brain cells out when I went on my trip and I have been on a spending spree for the past month. Maybe its stress. Pretty things always get my mind off of the unpleasant stuff. And I know there has been enough of that going around here.
These ladies are fast. I ordered it on Wednesday night and I received my first package today. Kudos to them, and I am suprised at the post got it here so fast. WOW. I haven't opened the package. I haven't even sneeked it into the house yet.
I decided I want a coffee cups or teacups quilt for the wall where my dining table will be. So the next thing do I make it myself or do I invite all my quilty friends to play with me? I have seen some great cup quilts and I think that it would be a fun project to take on. Applique I think and the colours all over the map on a neutral background. Fast Fuse would be easiest I think. Leave me a comment if you want to have coffee or tea with me. Even if you don't hook me up with a link with blog that has a great cup quilt so I can see. A girl has to have coffee in times of stress. Or a nice calming cuppa tea.
Don't forget to leave a comment on my iceday give away post for the Moda Maypole give away.
Quilty Hugs all
These ladies are fast. I ordered it on Wednesday night and I received my first package today. Kudos to them, and I am suprised at the post got it here so fast. WOW. I haven't opened the package. I haven't even sneeked it into the house yet.
I decided I want a coffee cups or teacups quilt for the wall where my dining table will be. So the next thing do I make it myself or do I invite all my quilty friends to play with me? I have seen some great cup quilts and I think that it would be a fun project to take on. Applique I think and the colours all over the map on a neutral background. Fast Fuse would be easiest I think. Leave me a comment if you want to have coffee or tea with me. Even if you don't hook me up with a link with blog that has a great cup quilt so I can see. A girl has to have coffee in times of stress. Or a nice calming cuppa tea.
Don't forget to leave a comment on my iceday give away post for the Moda Maypole give away.
Quilty Hugs all
I got the house!!!

This is my new house, brand new house. I built into the conditions of the house fridge stove and dishwasher and the GE profile series washer and dryer. I will have a sewing room in the back of the lower level with enough lighting installed. Since the basement is unfinished I am thinking that I should wire the family room for surround sound. I take possession on March 1st. Of course this is assuming all of the money stuff with the bank doesn't fall through. But my mortage guy at the bank said we were okay for a higher amount. So it shouldn't. You know what this means! I will be packing everything of mine. I am scared of finding out exactly how many boxes of fabric I really have. I mean once it is packed up . It will be out there to see. I really don't think I will have to worry about having a storage unit rented out but... I have a stash. I have to buy a living room set. I found one on sale yesterday. They say it is partially landscaped but I am going to get Brad one of my mothers friends to do up a paving stone patio out back in the summer. Spring will bring me to putting in my lilies into the yard. I have a lot of gardening to do in the future. Hopefully the transplanting I won't lose to many of my perenials. Some I have gotten from my moms garden. I have a crap load of planning to do.
OMG I bought a new house.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I sit waiting.
You know the longest time to wait is when your waiting for news. I put an offer in on a new home yesterday and the deadline for this is today at noon. I don't want to not get the house.
don't forget to put your name in for the draw
don't forget to put your name in for the draw
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentines to me

truth be told I haven't been honest with you all. Me and my husband are separating. I am searching for a new home that will allow me to pursue my own hobbies and him his hobbies.
The separation is his idea. I hurt. I am angry. I want to scream. Life as I have known it for the past 13 years is going to change in a big way. We were finally financially stable. Our paychecks allowed to have the perks. My kitchen that I helped design was almost complete. I am looking at significantly older and smaller homes. Wish me luck I am putting in a bid for a house today. With anyluck I will be the winner and will be moving out of this house in 4 weeks. Sooner if I can.
I love him and I am going to make a new life for myself with out him. I am scared. Not of being alone but of sinking into the dark chasm of depression. I was diagnosed with it 5 years ago.
I need strength to work through this. This may be temporary or it might be forever. Who knows. I certainly didn't expect him wanting to separate when I woke up a month ago.
But for all those lucky people who still with their loved ones Happy Valentines.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Ice Day Giveaway

Since about 3 am the rain has been beating on the sides of the house it stopped around 6 am. That being said all that lovely water froze to my car, steps ( currently ready for ice skating championships) and the highways. I had to slide out on my bum to get my poor furbaby taco back up into the house this morning because she couldn't make it up the steps with out falling back down. The reason for the bum is because that is what I landed on when I took one step outside. Needless to say I am not driving in that. I have to work like everyone else but I need to keep myself in one piece more!!!
So I am having an Ice Day at home where I get to play with my fabric. Yippee!!!
So does anyone else have an ice day going on?
Any way who love jelly rolls? I have an extra one just sitting in front of me. It is Maypole by Moda. See what happens when I am bored online I order things usually about 2 or 3 am in the morning when I can't sleep. When I do that I don't always keep good records of what exactly I ordered. So within a week of each other they got delivered. I liked it so much I ordered 2 from different online shops. Since I am having an Ice Day , I will make it even better by hosting a giveaway. I don't know how to do buttons, so I won't give you one. Leave a comment saying you would like to be entered between Today February 9th and February 19th. For extra 5 entries give me a link on your blog and let me know! Please remember anonymous people cannot win.
So who has instructions for buttons for the technically challenged???
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I have been a bad blogger
Wow I didn't realize that It has been such a long time since I blogged. Bad Blogger.
Now that my guilt has been appeased, I will take the time to fill you in on the fabric happenings as well as that same old same old.
I met one of my resolutions as I have taken a whole day sorting out my stash (not my idea it was DH). I got one of those big white storage pantry cupboards and filled it up. Its dimensions are 72 x30x16. Apparently, I need one more. I had most of my stash in rubbermaid tubs. Well those tubs got pretty annoying fast as sure as heck the color I wanted would be in the bottom tub. I have tubs every where in the house. I still have tubs to sort through. One more day of that I think but I have a crumb and string bin. Gotta work on that. When do people have time to . I also found a love for those clear drawers. I have them sorted in my way. Embroidery Machine and its notions and stablizers and such. Quilting, My Kenmore and all her bits and bobs and an assortment of my silk finish threads. and My everything goes. That one has everything in it. From yarns and beads for embellishing to spray adhesives.
I have an assortment of neutrals. For some reason I thought I didn't have very many and well since I was taking a break I went online and ordered some creams, and some pinks and some greens. These are all light romantic colors I don't normally go for. That girly girl inside me took over when I was ordering. Damn her she has no sense when it comes to shopping. I mean darn it all she ordered 60 fat quarters. They come in bundles of 20. What was she thinking. I was only browsing and making wish lists and being responsible. I KNOW she went OOOOOOOOOOO Pretty! and hit the add to cart button. It wasn't me , I wasn't in control of my senses. If you want to see the store that that evil girly girl got stupid on click here
Have a great day folks
Now that my guilt has been appeased, I will take the time to fill you in on the fabric happenings as well as that same old same old.
I met one of my resolutions as I have taken a whole day sorting out my stash (not my idea it was DH). I got one of those big white storage pantry cupboards and filled it up. Its dimensions are 72 x30x16. Apparently, I need one more. I had most of my stash in rubbermaid tubs. Well those tubs got pretty annoying fast as sure as heck the color I wanted would be in the bottom tub. I have tubs every where in the house. I still have tubs to sort through. One more day of that I think but I have a crumb and string bin. Gotta work on that. When do people have time to . I also found a love for those clear drawers. I have them sorted in my way. Embroidery Machine and its notions and stablizers and such. Quilting, My Kenmore and all her bits and bobs and an assortment of my silk finish threads. and My everything goes. That one has everything in it. From yarns and beads for embellishing to spray adhesives.
I have an assortment of neutrals. For some reason I thought I didn't have very many and well since I was taking a break I went online and ordered some creams, and some pinks and some greens. These are all light romantic colors I don't normally go for. That girly girl inside me took over when I was ordering. Damn her she has no sense when it comes to shopping. I mean darn it all she ordered 60 fat quarters. They come in bundles of 20. What was she thinking. I was only browsing and making wish lists and being responsible. I KNOW she went OOOOOOOOOOO Pretty! and hit the add to cart button. It wasn't me , I wasn't in control of my senses. If you want to see the store that that evil girly girl got stupid on click here
Have a great day folks
Saturday, January 24, 2009
January Madness and other stuff

Well now that the pesky cold from hell has left me only with congestion of my sinuses, the most adventerous I have been is reading blogs. Much to lazy to do anything else. I had tons of good intentions. Exercise (lmao) make a UFO list. I got to 10 and I quit. I really didn't want to know how many starts I actually do have. There is every single leader ender project from Bonnie Hunters site. Old Tobacco Road, Orange Crush, Strip Twist, Sisters Choice, Crumbs galore and times that many from every project from project classes since 2 years ago. Oh my and then there is my swap group(strips and blocks) I am suffering from overload. Not to mention I have been shopping online for 2 months solid. My credit card may never be the same. So with projects and stash in hand I must leave this humble abode.
After much discussion with DH (HAH) "We" have decided that me and my fabric must move out. This is in effort to get my sewing stuff out of the way while the renovations on this darling humble house can get completed. Not even I will consent to living with out a bathroom, shower, washer dryer for any extended time frame. Not to mention, furniture while the flooring gets installed. With nothing to put my darling sewing machines on even I cannot forsee me squatting on the floor with my sewing machine beside me working on the next swaps blocks. You see people I have to go house hunting. I refuse to rent. Why would I spend good money for someone else to profit. I mean If I purchase another house with all working plumbing and with floor I can be comfortable while this house gets the final ransack. And well me and DH can work on our relationship with out getting on each others nerves over fabric and renovations. AAAAAAAAAAAArrrrrrrgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!
Living on my own with only my furbaby Taco Bell. Such luxury oooooooo I mean loneliness right. Actually the tension between my husband and my fabric has been reduced. He walks right by the pile I have out to iron and he doesn't even growl at it.
I HATE packing, moving, unpacking. This is punishment for having to large a stash I tell ya!.
Another happening is my baby boy is 25 years old today and he would shake his head that I am on THE WORLD WIDE WEB and announcing "baby boy" I quite politely informed him that when he is 50 I will still call him my baby boy. What else when you remember every defining moment in your child's life , firsts of every thing. First Tooth, first booboo, First steps , first stitches, first day of school, First A in class, first girlfriend, first broken heart, first car, graduation, first apartment. Truth be told he is a damn fine young man if I do say so myself.
And if any of you fine lurkers want to read another funny tutorial check here
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Up first a bit of frivolity
There has been many things that have happened since Christmas. I actually got on a plane to fly. ( My broomstick was in the closet) and went off to the magical paradise of a Resort in Dominican Republic. This is a place where there are no dishes to wash, No dinners or lunches to prepare. The beds magically get made with fresh sheets every day and lovely exotic drinks are handed to you by gorgeous jaw dropping men name Carlos or Angel.
It was a memory filled trip! We all swam with Dolphins and sharks and Manta rays. We fed hundreds of fish who apparently were starving. Hours were spent basking in the Sun which in effect fried any memory of -50 degree weather went completely out of my mind.
If only I could go back there. Why you say? Because the windchill for the past week has been - 50 here. Seriously I could be a snowbird now in my life and I so would love to be in a warm tropical setting with an ocean breese to cool me off , along with fancy little cocktails.
New favourite drink is Chocolate Martinies. (Spelling oops). For the Chocolate loving ladies out there it is a lovely concoction made with Creme de Cacao, Vodka and Dark Chocolate Syrup. Shaken not stirred with a fancy little umbrella with a cherry on it. Yum
In reality I am ignoring my laundry and dishes and hoping the magical beings that took care of all the mundane things were here so I could just sit at my table with strips around me to make the next Bonnie Hunter Mystery . Double Delight is a gorgeous pattern check it out. I don't really need to start another WIP since I still have the OC and OTR to do. (they are waiting patiently in their bins waiting for me to get busy. OH well
Hugs everyone
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Well it was a wonderful Christmas!
Everyone loved their presents spending time together. It was exceptionally hectic at my house as we were leaving for a family vacation. But that is another posting.
This year it was supposed to be my husbands turn to play Santa Claus he has the perfect belly for it.lol. He was unfortunately called into to work just before sitting down for dinner Christmas eve. So Jess stepped into Santa's boots and brushed off her lap so all could sit and tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas.
Once we started to open presents the kids excitement turned into a dull roar of giggles, OMG's , shrieks and "look at this mom!".
Santa was also giving presents to the grown ups. Practical Gifts such as Spanish for Dummies book for my husband and a new to me book by Stephan King for when we go to the Dominican.
I had been extremely lucky this year with the gifts that I received from my Secret Santa! Chookyblue SSCS was a success! I received a lovely girly girl bag, a sweet Christmas stitchery, a couple of FQ's and a stitchery book all of my own from Jo in Taz! Having a heck of a time posting this picture even though its well past Christmas
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