Since about 3 am the rain has been beating on the sides of the house it stopped around 6 am. That being said all that lovely water froze to my car, steps ( currently ready for ice skating championships) and the highways. I had to slide out on my bum to get my poor furbaby taco back up into the house this morning because she couldn't make it up the steps with out falling back down. The reason for the bum is because that is what I landed on when I took one step outside. Needless to say I am not driving in that. I have to work like everyone else but I need to keep myself in one piece more!!!
So I am having an Ice Day at home where I get to play with my fabric. Yippee!!!
So does anyone else have an ice day going on?
Any way who love jelly rolls? I have an extra one just sitting in front of me. It is Maypole by Moda. See what happens when I am bored online I order things usually about 2 or 3 am in the morning when I can't sleep. When I do that I don't always keep good records of what exactly I ordered. So within a week of each other they got delivered. I liked it so much I ordered 2 from different online shops. Since I am having an Ice Day , I will make it even better by hosting a giveaway. I don't know how to do buttons, so I won't give you one. Leave a comment saying you would like to be entered between Today February 9th and February 19th. For extra 5 entries give me a link on your blog and let me know! Please remember anonymous people cannot win.
So who has instructions for buttons for the technically challenged???
Hey we had an ice day a week or so ago in Texas. I understand about staying home! Please put me in your drawing!
Can't help with the button thing. I may have to study up on that one!
No ice here in California! I'd love to win your extra jelly-roll.
We had an ice day and I didn't care for it! Fortunately, I didn't have to go to work that day.
I'd be tickled to win your jelly roll -- please enter me into your drawing!
We had about 18 inches of snow during the past weekend! Fun... we have been shoveling constantly! The problem is that it will stay on the ground til the end of April or even May. Not fun! Oh well, the kids have fun.
I would love to win the jellyroll (if I win I will be happy to pay for the shipping)!
Take it easy on the ice!
Louise in Sweden
I'm so sorry to hear you have ice - it's so terrible to deal with. I would love to win the Maypole fabric, maybe it will bring spring to the both of us?
We had two snow days early last week and get this; yesterday and today has been absolutely gorgeous with Spring like weather in the low 70's! I went from layering clothing last week to crop pants, t-shirt and sandals! I won't put away the winter wear just yet...but oh my the defrosting felt great! I'm am so glad you visited my blog today and now I found yours. Geez....everytime I announce on my blog about a giveaway I ruin my odds of winning. It has become a joke around here because I've never won a blog giveaway.
Wish I could send some of our warm weather your way...but I think ours is turning cold again by the end of the week. EeeeeGADS!
No ice here in Niagara Falls, NY unless you count the ice bridge under the falls (a sight I never get tired of.
I'd love to be entered in your giveaway, what fun it would be to win!
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
We've had lots of ice this year, but it was 60 today...unheard of in Indiana in February.
Oooh, enter me! You know I can't resist anything pre-cut!
Poor furbaby being stuck out in that horrible weather! Hope you didn't land too hard, I hate falling over, it never used to hurt when I was a kid but as a grown up it does damage!!
Fancy sending a jelly roll to OZ, if so enter me in the draw please!!
Stay Warm!
Hi: it's still really slippery out there -- I just ventured out and wished I hadn't. Count me in on the jelly roll draw, please. Stay safe on the streets, and stay upright.
Yesterday we woke up to about an inch of snow...today it's an inch of hail!
I'd LOVE to win your jelly roll...I've used and loved them.
Forgot to tell you I posted on my blog about your give away! Just double click on 'blog' in the post.
Hate to 'hurt' you...but we are at
65 degrees so far...would have loved to have seen more than 5 minutes of snow though! What a generous prize...would love to win.
Added to my blog too.
What a great giveaway. Thanks.
We have lots of ice here too in new jersey although it's melting today thank God! I would like to be entered in your jelly roll giveaway!
Good luck with the ice! Gotta love winter weather!
I have only ever bought 1 jelly roll in my entire life! I had a great time using it up and would love to have another one!
We didn't have any ice here in Maryland. It has been veryspring like for the past few days.
I love jelly rolls, have made several quilts with them. I really like the idea that you don't have to cut strips when using a jelly roll.
BLOG: lqs-ohmy.blogspot.com
WE have had a ton of snow, but still no ice. Glad of that. thanks for sharing the goodies.
I love Jelly rolls!!!!
forgot to give you my website address: www.aquiltingwewillsew,com
We have been having ice days and today was one warm day,
I will also put you on a link my blog, so check back in a day or so.
Sorry to hear of your 'bum-mer' day! lol. We are expecting the snow/ice mix tomorrow. I'm in northern Maine and ice and snow are normal occurances here. I try to always have good treads on the soles of my boots before venturing out; and most likely just stay put. If I fall, I'm so round I bounce and bounce and bounce then I have a hard time standing up again...at least very gracefully! it is very embarrassing and one of these days I will break something very important with all this weight! :( So enter me for the roll. I've never bought a roll from one line before...I've only done the charms that way....so I would very much like coordinated strips for a change.
Wow, we had a warm 60+ degree day today and yesterday here in Maryland. Hope you get one your way too.
Don't feel alone about ordering two of the same thing. I've done it as well, only I paid a utility bill twice. Not as fun as your error. Thanks for having such a great giveaway!
I'd love to enter your giveaway - thanks!!! I'm a bit east of you in Ontario - we know about ice days here too *oi vay*! I followed Bella here - I'll give her a smack on behalf of those of us that get REAL weather ;) *smacks Bella for the halibut* :)
Hope it warms up, but sometimes an extra day offis nice. Thanks for thinking of the giveaway.
When I taught a mystery class for my quilt quild, I used my Maypole jelly roll. It was the first time I had actually sewn with a jelly roll. How are you going to use your jelly roll?
I have never bought a jelly roll. Bought a nickel pack once, washed it and now it measures 5" x 4 3/4" Have never used it. How do you handle a jelly roll if you can't wash it?
Love Jelly Roll!!! Please enter me in your drawing.
Man I could use a snow/ice day to stay in bed and sleep ~ probably not gonna happen here in Florida. I've not worked with a jelly roll yet ~ but looks like it would be fun.
We have received a lot of snow the last 2 days so I am staying home too.
I have not used a jelly roll yet so please enter me in your drawing. I love the fabric.
Rita E in AZ (high country - not the desert)
requilt (at) yahoo (dot) com
I hope you enjoyed your ice day at home. Here we have got much snow the last week.
Please enter me in your drawing.
I am bored outta my gourd! I wanna win your contest so i will have something to do!
I am putting a mention on my blogspot.
so toss in 5 extra points please. THANKS!~!
I'd love to be entered in your drawing! I just love jelly rolls and Maypole is one of my favorite lines! Hope you figure out the button, wish I could help.
Hello, first time that I have looked at your blog, Great!
Of course I am interested in your giveaway - what quilter is not interested in a jelly roll -they are so darn easy to work with huh,
can't help with the button sorry..
Glad we don't have quite such extreme weather here. We have had some snow lately but much worse in other parts of the country. Would love to win your spare jelly roll
I would like to enter this giveaway!
Thanks for the chance.
What a generous give-away! Count me in! Sorry, don't do the button thing either!
I would love to be entered :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I added a link to your blog in my blogroll :
yay for give aways! I understand about the ice - have about 8 days without power due to it here in AR!
I would like to be entered for your giveaway. (It is quite dangerous when it gets late into the night and I get trigger happy too..)
Oh, the possibilities! Thanks for your jelly roll giveaway! Happy valentines!
I'm in California, so no ice days here. Sorry to hear your steps are so treacherous! That would scare me.
There's a great button tutorial at zakka life: http://zakkalife.blogspot.com/2008/05/html-button-tutorial.html
Even I eventually figured out how to do it. You can too!
(Do I get extra entries for being helpful?) threeundertwo at hotmail dot com.
While I am freezing, there's certainly no ice in AZ. I'd love to win the jellyroll though!
I know what you mean by ordering because you cannot craft. I already blogged about it here: http://www.concerningzarina.com/?blogentryid=4463706
I think a jelly roll would be just the thing to beat the winter blahs. Please enter my name in your draw and thanks for your generosity.
I have discovered jelly rolls only recently and would just love to win one. Will give you a link in my blog and I keep my fingers crossed!
It is freezing in Hungary too, and the wind is something awful today...
Just found you via Needlework News! I would love to be entered in the giveaway.
We had major ice last week, so I know just how you feel! A giveaway is a wonderful way to celebrate, though. I'd love to get to play with such yummy fabrics!
chica at chicaandjo dot com
I've been wanting to move from knitting to fabrics for the summer...
so here's my (practically brand new...) blog: http://tossingmycookies.blogspot.com/
or, for less crafty things: http://crazycristyc.livejournal.com/
and please enter me in the drawing. Thanks!
I love fabrics. I love making creations out of fabric. I have two adorable grandchildren who love getting things made from fabric. Please enter me in your drawing. I live in the Chicago area. We've had a ton of snow and ice. We did have a thaw and the snow has mostly disappeared. Yeah!
I wish we had a little ice or snow, all we are getting is strong, cold, wind that is drying everything out. I hate to see the fires that spring brings if we don't get some snow. Anyway, please enter me, I have been wanting this jelly roll to make my father a quilt to remember his mom that just passed away. Thanks!
Ice = yuck, but a fabric day sounds great to me right now!
I'd like to be entered in the giveaway. A Moda jelly roll?! Fabulous.
Gosh I miss real seasons ! Here in LA even rain is exciting!
I'd love to be in the draw please :)
Hope you're keeping warm and toasty inside! Here in England it's also quite cold...and oddly there's STILL snow! Weird. Any fabric titled 'May' something would be welcomed at this point. Might just help it come a bit sooner :)
Ice sounds treacherous. We don't have ice days here in Hawaii, but we do have severe wind days. I'd love to win a jelly roll. I've heard so much about them. Sending you some warmth and sunshine...hopefully the ice will melt. Aloha!
Oh my, remind me not to buy anything online at 2 or 3 in the morning. We haven't had any ice days here in Louisiana, but it seems like a good reason to stay home to me. I would like to be entered in your giveaway please. Thanks
I think your solution to a rather lousy day outside is just wonderful! Please enter me in your giveaway, I would love to play with that roll!
Would love to win the jelly roll! I will add you to my blog when I get home from work this evening.
I don't have a blog to add you to; but, I would love to win the jelly roll. Thanks for the chance. Have a nice day.
Wonderful giveaway. Thanks for the chance.
Though I'm from Canada and lived in the bitter north, I've never had a snow or ice day... we'd never get anything done in Canada if such things existed!
I'm not in Canada anymore though, and I can't say I miss the cold...
Thanks for the chance to enter!
Hi--I like ice because I can't drive in it--so therefore I stay at home & play wih my fabric also. And I love Jelly Rolls, I would love to win yours. Please add me to the contest. I have a blog--but nothing is on it yet. I said i was going to start one at the first of 2009--well, I did--but I haven't added a thing.
I've never bought a jelly roll -- keep looking at them, but never quite take the plunge.
This has been the oddest winter I can remember. However, the February thaw we've had has been wonderful!
Hi Lynn I would love to win your extra jellyroll. How generous of you to make something nice from a mistake. Please consider entering me in your little contest.Lesley
A new jelly roll would be a nice surprise to get in the mail. Please enter me in the drawing.
Comments close on my bday, what a great present this would make :)
We don't get ice days but it would be nice to have an unexpected day to play :)
Please add me to your drawing and I will also add a link on my blog,
We get hurricaine days instead of ice days!
I'd love to be entered into your drawing! thank you!
I would love to be entered, I have never had a jelly roll before. Thank you for hosting this great give away. I'll post a link from my now.
Oh yes, I would like to be entered in the drawing for the giveaway for the jelly roll!
Hope all is better by now. The temperatures are slowly rising around here in England, so maybe Spring is coming...
Please enter my name for your jelly roll draw. I'll link you on my blog.
please neter me in your contest.
I am not having an ice day. I am having a clean up everything that froze in my garden day.
I don't know what a jelly roll is but I sure would like to enter my name for the draw.
Well that is awfully nice of you. I would love to be entered.
I am technically challenged too but sign me up for the giveaway.
Sorry to hear you have an ice storm. But the upside is you got to play. Please include me in the drawing. I posted on my blog also.
Hope the weather is improving! Thanks for hosting a giveaway!
I'm so ready for spring. All this snow and ice is getting old real fast! :)
I love jellyrolls, so such a giveaway I just have to sign in for.
I could use a jelly roll to begin building my stash ;)
Oh, what fun, that would make a great quilt. It's been raining here constantly, but I have to be happy about it, because if we don't get a bunch now we're going to have mandatory water conservation this summer.
Count me in on your drawing! I'd love to play with some new fabric.
Hi! I would love to win a jelly roll. Count me in for the drawing!
I hope things have warmed up...my kitties dont dare go out in the snow and ice. Thank you for entering me in the great drawing!!Keep safe and warm.
Oh I've only ever bought one jelly roll so I could really use this one! My stash is PATHETIC!! LOL Thanks for the giveaway! :0)
I found my way over here from fabricmom.com and love the idea of a chance to win a jelly roll! LOL @ what happens when you get bored and can't sleep .. dangerous time of nite when the house is so bloody quiet, eh? Notice it's stupid o'clock in the am here ..
well I posted a link to you on my blog here - http://gquilts.wordpress.com/2009/02/18/another-great-giveaway/
good luck to everyone and thank you you for doing this!
No Ice Days here in Finland, just regular bum numbing cold. I, all the people above, would like to win this roll. Thought it would be perfect to start practising quilting.
I woke up to an ice day this morning... ice clinking on the windows. yuck!
I would love to win the jelly roll.
I also added your blog to my blogroll... in my sidebar.
Hey, congrats on the new house!
I've had charm packs and a cake, but no jelly rolls. I'll post about your giveaway later today.
I love jelly rolls, all the cutting is done for you. They are so easy to use.
O my gosh I love this giveaway! thank you!
I posted about this on my blog!
# 2
#5- you can see I would really like to win this! as for making a button here is a link with instructions:
Wow! Would love a jelly roll! Please add me to the drawing.
I can't believe it...99 comments already! Please enter me in the jellyroll drawing...
thanks for the giveaway
I posted for 5 extra entries
I would much rather have snow than the ice, be careful.
Love the idea of jelly rolls, have yet to buy one though. (no blog or web site to promot your site, but thanks to Grace @ grace quilts & stiches, I found you!)
Dorothy Schreyer
Sterling, CO
I would love to win the Maypole Jelly-Roll! Please enter me!!!!!
I'd love to be entered in your draw. We don't have ice days where I live. We can get quite a bit of snow but we're used to it so no snow days either. :(
Hi there, Lynn! It would be great to be entered in your draw!! I am adding you to my Blog Contacts, as well! These give-aways are fun! I'm going to have to host one soon myself!! All the best!
Mary Ann in Denmark
It would be so great to win...enter me please! I hate ice too, we had a little blizzard last Friday...what fun!
What are wonderful price please enter me into the draw.
Well aren't you sweet to overbuy and share! Thanks for entering me too ;-)
Never had a jelly roll before, this could be the beginning of a new addiction! :)
I'd love to be entered in your drawing. thank you
Please add my name to the draw for the jelly roll! I've had a FEW snow/ice days here.
Ice is so much worse than snow. I've never used a jelly roll, but I've been dying to use one! Please throw my name into the pot! Thanks.
great giveaway! thanx for the chance. and i've posted your info on my blog as well
Oh late night online shopping, who isn't guilty of that!!!! I know I have been known to do it! Thanks for giving away such a nice goodie! Have a great week.
at a point in my distant past, I used to like ice days ,the littles and I would gaze out frost covered windows and make up stories....but the jellyroll you are offering feeds my fantasy today!
Ice is the worst. The best thing about retirement is you don't have to go anywhere when it is really nasty out.
What a lovely givewaway. I too am the queen of late night shopping. I need amazonaholics.
How nice! I love jelly rolls. :)
we got snow in WI, which was much easier to drive in! I love Jelly Rolls!! soooo yummy and so not fattening!!!
Oh my goodness, maybe my late entry will be a winner! Thank you for a sweet giveaway!!
Blessings, Kimberly
We never get ice days... or snow days. It could snow a ton and we'd all still be driving through it to work/school, no matter what the conditions. sigh. Oh well, a Moda jelly roll would do wonders to cheer up anyone, wouldn't it?
I feel I'm getting in under the wire on this giveaway - it's 8:26 pm where I live!
I'm sorry that it is so icy. But glad that you get to stay at home and play with your fabric. Thanks for giving us all an opportunity to win the jelly roll!
Send some rain this way would be good. Its a bit dry and the bottom of OZ. I wold love to win your jelly roll so count me in.
No ice here in NY, but we did have a nice snowstorm today. I'd rather have snow over ice anyday.
I would love to be included in your drawing.
Thank you. :-)
I blogged about your giveaway, Lynn!
I'd love to win your jelly roll - it looks so bright and cheerful! I've never had a jelly roll before - they look yummy!
No ice here in western Washington today...we actually had sunshine and 50* instead of our usual 40* and grey rainy stuff. Nice! Sorry you're having ice, but calling an Ice Day is a plus, isn't it?
I think I'm too late for your give away...but maybe not?
I love jelly rolls!
thank goodness there's no ice storm here in Seattle. We had our little bout with that in December...and I hope it's over! We had sunny weather today which was NICE for a change! :) I'm glad you're ok and not out there driving in the ice and slick stuff...it's dangerous even with 4 wheel drive on the ice!
am I too late...hope not...I can only imagine your winter
Hi, I'd love to be in the draw. Thanks.I have never owned a jelly roll so would love to be in it.
No ice here in the land down under (Australia)But it sure would be a nice sight at the moment.
Hi Lynn, thank you for this generous giveaway! hope to be the lucky winner ;-) Congratulation to your new house, looks great!
greetings from Brigitte, German living in Poland
Thanks for the giveaway-- I'never had a jelly roll before...Count me in.
Icy day this morning...lots of accidents in the tri-state area.
Hope I'm not too late~ I'd love to enter your drawing. :-) Thank you!
If not too late I'd love to be entered in your drawing for the Maypole Jelly Roll. Sounds like it will be really pretty. I remember when I was a child May Day was a huge thing back home and dancing the May Pole...when I was two or three I was crown bearer for the May Queen and actually remember it. When a little older I got to do the MayPole Dance or what ever you would call it.
If not too late I'd love to be entered in your drawing for the Maypole Jelly Roll. Sounds like it will be really pretty. I remember when I was a child May Day was a huge thing back home and dancing the May Pole...when I was two or three I was crown bearer for the May Queen and actually remember it. When a little older I got to do the MayPole Dance or what ever you would call it.
I would love to win. I hope your ice doesn't make your power go off. xoxo melzie
We didn't have an ice storm this winter and we are so happy about that! Our nights have been at freezing or below for almost 3 months - very strange for the Great Northwest. Would love to win!
I haven't worked with jelly rolls yet , but they look like lots of fun. And there are so many strip patterns now.
Sign me up for the giveaway!! Sounds like a great way to spend your day too.
Yummy! sign me up for the jelly roll give away and I just posted to my blog, too! :)
I would love to be entered for the ice day giveaway!
I just heard about it today from Bell Creek Quilts! What a wonderful way to help with cabin fever! LOL
Good luck everyone!
I have no clue how to do buttons - Sorry!
No ice day here! The bulbs are poking their heads out, and it's nice and sunny!
I've never had a jelly roll before, would love to try one. I do have a pattern :)
Buttons, not my thing. Unless of course it involves a needle and thread !
Love jelly rolls. :) Pick me pick me!!
I'd love to win that! It would be a great gift for my sister! I'll post this on my blog (:
I'd love to win the jelly roll!!
I would love to be entered into your drawing!!! I have been wanting to make a quilt from a jelly roll.
nici826 at yahoo dot com
Oh I'd kill for an ice day.. whatever that is! LOL its summer here in Australia, and its been awful hot and bushfires and did I mention hot???
Well, I'm too late for your give-away, but I enjoyed visiting your blog. I know what you mean about being a fabric addict - ouch!
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