Tuesday, March 25, 2008

lack of sewing space

well here goes as my mind starts to wake up ...need more coffee though... I thought I would post a couple of pictures. My kitchen in progress. So far the electrical is just about finished on ones side just have to run the wiring for under cupboard lighting and put the insulation back in place. Count down is 4 weeks for the cupboards to arrive. I have to pick out a new range hood microwave. Have to replace the plumbing which was something we didn't expect to do. Sew with that going on my table is in my living room and I started having withdrawals. I just had to sew something anything. I couldn't pull out any of my bigger projects or small ones for that matter. I couldn't get to them . They are all in tubs or totes until I get some space back... never mind my table doesn't really have a top . Its buried somewhere under stuff. I hate stuff. Well not if its my stuff. there is a tin of cookie cutters about 20 magazines to recycle, a box of shredding (cleaned out our personal files) 3 Christmas presents which for some reason my husband keeps on forgetting to send up north to the nieces and nephew. One sewing machine, one tote of 1.5 inch strips. This one tote is threatening to expand so I ended up sewing mindlessly for 1 hour last night to get strips sewn together . My plan is to do the basket weave quilt that the Quilting Twin has on her blog. This satisfied my need to sew and for better or worse start another project. I am hoping to get a few quilts out of those strips. I will cut down the strips to 4.5 for the basket weave, and for a rail fence , I will cut up 1.5 for small 4 patches. What exactly I plan on doing with those. ehhh I will figure that out another time. All that matters is that I got to sew. and sew with no interruptions and I couldn't be happier about it. I have so many things patterns floating around in my head that I couldn't get them all done if I had 10 lifetimes. The pile on the chair is my sewn 1.5 strips. Did pretty good eh without a plan. I hereby solemnly swear to sew for myself for 15 minutes a day on anything I want. ( i will probably keep it to the strips until I can get my table back in order). Oh and I was invited to another bridal shower I just have to mark down the date. One of my grannies favorite granddaughters is getting married to a wonderful man. For all of those at the ceremony grounds his name is Paul Ikwe. (inside joke)

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