Saturday, November 1, 2008

With age comes wisdom I think

Wow I can't believe it is November already , my time has just been flying away from me. I loved looking at the leaves as they changed colors. The alive feeling I got feeling the brisk wind in my face . Today most of the leaves are gone. I can see my breath in the still cool air.

It is my Birthday month. Yippee I think I am supposed to get older. lol. With age comes wisdom so they say. I have learned a few things I think. Appearances are not everything. Body parts are not where they were in the eighties. My hair is healthier with out perms colours and 20 pounds of hairspray(even with the gray). I can't believe I would take allergy medication every day so I could spray my hair. I love myself more today than I did then. I would spend hours agonizing over how fat my clothing made me look. I was by no means a svelte willowy gal like I wanted to be. Just solid athletic and healthy. I wish I could go back to and tell that old me that I looked great.

I would warn myself that I needed a big sewing room in the future so that I would have been planning for it and have it by now. lol.

Most I made up patterns for my own use. I only had a small Kenmore sewing machine that had seen better days. My mother got it for me as a christmas gift one year. Did any of you go through the pastel and lace Molly Ringwald phaze? I wore pastels and lace that I added to clothing or made . and now that I am older , realized that they did NOT work for me. I also did the punk look. Purple spiky hair, nose ring and black clothing. A precursor to todays Goth look. I expect that if I was that age now I would be a Goth chick . Pale makeup spiky or Rasta hair wearing the big army boots and plaid skirts. The fringe clothing worked for me better. Even though my mother wouldn't sit beside me on a bus. lol.

Today I am comfortable in a pair of yoga pants and big T. Or if I am feeling flirty a girly gypsy skirt with sequins, or practical work clothing to wear on the quad or doing yard work. I have clothing that fits all the different facets of my personality. I wear what I like and am not set up as one look. At this moment I look sloppy its the weekend. This afternoon I may dress as I was going out for tea. I am quite pleasantly called bohemian. I like that.

Embracing me in all my moods is ok. And its great to be silly and laugh at yourself. I think I have a lot to learn and so far I learned alot. Lets see what the next year brings.


trash said...

I sometimes wish I could go back and sort out the teenage me. undoubtedly I wouldn't have lisetned.

I'm blog-hopping my way through Chookyblue's SSCS list to see who else is playing.

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

OH Boy - this is so true! I was never a twiggy back when everyone else was. I was a Beyonce - and that was considered fat. I wish I was THAT fat now! LOL I wish I appreciated my healty, full figure back then!